Total Health & Wellness Associates, PLLC is an integrative group practice in the Farmington Hills, Rochester Hills, and Flint areas that includes health care providers from multiple disciplines (mental health, massage, nutrition, fitness, and more).  We focus on the individual's entire well-being, emphasizing the interconnections between the mind, body, and spirit.  Our clients learn to harness the power of the mind to heal many mental and physical ailments that often times do not, or have not, responded to traditional medical care approaches.  Our clients also have access to many forms of alternative medicine, such as; massage therapy, yoga therapy, nutrition, and much more!


The first step toward a healthier, more balanced life is seeking expertise and guidance to be your best self. Total Health & Wellness Associates, PLLC builds a personalized treatment plan and takes you through the process at your own pace.  Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve peace and feel more satisfied in your life's direction.


Every new day is another chance to change your life!